September 2012 – Successful participation of CROss Alliance at the Conference “Innovation in Phase I, Clinical Development“, held in Milan on the 18th-19th September 2012 by IQPC. During the 2-day session, Cross Alliance Scientific Director and General Manager, Alessandro Assandri, presented a lecture entitled “Going Beyond PK; obtaining proof of concept modelling in healthy volunteers” which covered several aspects of Phase I  clinical development for an early investigation of  drug efficacy before investing  large budgets in Phase III trials.

A large number of Pharma professionals attended the Summit, which provided a wide panorama of real issues and “how to manage” solutions while, Health authorities representatives from the Italian Health Ministry and the UK MHRA provided up to date information on the latest European regulations and protocol expectations.

The constant presence among the main Early development meetings in Europe confirms the quality of the work that CROss Alliance team has been able to produce as a contract research organisation for several years.